Tag Archives: travel tips

Everyone loves to travel but not everyone is a travel expert. Even those who have traveled internationally before don’t qualify as the next Rick Steves. It takes years of experience before a person is fully adept with all the different travel procedures and until then we’re all susceptible to making rookie mistakes. But here’s how to avoid the avoidable.

The greatest thing you can give yourself is a vacation on a budget – it dilutes a lot of after-trip guilt that we most often have. The feeling of “Oh! Why did I spend so much money!” Trust me, the after-trip guilt can override any fun you had on a vacation, because you are left paying it off for months. You can have your dream vacation and STILL make it within your budget. All it takes is some minor planning, a well-organized itinerary, and an education on vacation and hotel coupons. Smart Biz Savings has virtually everything you need to save money on your vacation – let’s give you a few pointers in getting you there.

Family vacations are the best, especially when it’s your first time, which is why SmartBizSavings wants to share our philosophy on family travel tips. When a couple first has a child, it can be difficult to separate them at the early stages in their life. This often inspires you to stay home as much as possible, in fear of being faced with scary situations, inconveniences and hard to maintain routines. Well our philosophy is that there is no better bonding time than going on a family vacation. When the child starts to grow and make memories of his/her own, it is high time to make them the best they can possibly be by exposing them to different types of people and places.

It’s a rough world out there. And when you’re on your dream trip, although you might be seeing through rose colored glasses, the world is no different. Traveling is one of the greatest joys in the world, but it can sometimes be a scary journey too. I’ve discovered that experiences traveling abroad as a woman are often quite different than our male counterparts’ experiences. Women by nature are more open and friendly to strangers, often making them a target for pickpockets and worse. Just a few simple things to be aware of can save your trip from taking a disastrous turn.

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